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Terms and Conditions of Use

The following Terms of Use is a legal contract between an individual user and Elite Car Spa regarding the use of your website and services. Please update these guidelines according to your specific policies.

Please read these terms of use carefully. By accessing our site or using our services, you acknowledge that you understand, agree, and are bound by these terms.

Modification of Terms
At our discretion, Elite Car Spa may edit, add, or remove parts of this agreement. If we do make changes to these Terms of Use, we will make a reasonable effort to provide notice.

Prohibited Conduct
You are solely responsible for your conduct while on our site, and agree to abide by all laws, contracts, intellectual property and third-party rights.

Elite Car Spa reserves the right to terminate access to our site and block future use of our services if we deem these Terms of Use have been violated.

I Accept
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